Mrs. Tami Schauer

Mrs. Tami Schauer is privileged to serve as our Kindergarten teacher. She is an alumni of St. John's Lutheran School in Watertown, WI.

Tami graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Madison with a B. S. in Early Childhood/Special Ed. and English. She began teaching in the Milwaukee area, serving at Walker Elementary School and Elm School for the Creative Arts. In 2001 she was called to serve at St. Marcus Lutheran School where over the course of years she taught Kindergarten, 1-8 Art, 5/6 Social Studies and 1st grade. She has also served as a mentor teacher modeling and coaching best practices and teaching strategies. Tami continues to work on her synod certification by taking classes through Martin Luther College.

In 2000 she married Kelly and has been blessed with two wonderful daughters, Evelyn and Julia. The family relocated to Watertown in 2015 where they enjoy being closer to family. In addition to teaching, Mrs. Schauer enjoys traveling, golfing, home projects and time with family and friends.

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